The long way to......

essays about my daily life. It will be something about India since it makes me happy and bothers me a lot.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


I forgot to write about my trip to the Ananda in Himalayas last month. It was a request of my friend who came here all the way from Japan. We 27 girls are keep looking something by which we can be healed (yeah, mentally). She looked for in yoga and in meditation. (By the way, I met Yoga in the U.S five years ago. Different cultures in Asia still contact through perceptions of own image by West.)I brought my (sort of) life assignment with me there. I had lots of things to think. Since my thoughts are not yet cleared, I will just put some beautiful pictures here.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

politicians and hair style

Those two people have similar hair style....